Dillon’s Story

When our baby boy Dillon was born, both me and my husband were super excited. We were nervous but happy.


When our baby boy Dillon was born, both me and my husband were super excited. We were nervous but happy. Everything may be a challenge but we took some major role changes with such joy and full of love. We were ready and static. At about 3 months old, we have noticed some of his difficulties. Problems that we thought he would get over with in time but our concerns only grew bigger and so we decided to get with the specialist and our general pediatrician could not agree more

After some extensive blood testing from our geneticist, we finally got an answer. Dillon at 10 months was diagnosed with MCT8 mutation. A rare genetic disorder of which brain development causes moderate to severe intellectual disability and muscle movement.

We were very devastated to have learned that this diagnosis is so rare and currently has no cure. We have learned that Dillon has very little to none in learning how to talk, walk, or many things a child his age would learn as they grow older. In addition to these challenges that he is facing, he also has to deal with his movement disorder and spastic movement day and night. But even with this challenges, even with his multiple doctors/specialist appointment and countless therapies, Dillon gives it his all with such lovely smile.

He gives us hope and strength. And for all the things that he shows us he can do, gives us no reason to say we can’t! Fighting for his future and getting him to his full potential is our main goal. It isn’t always easy and the roads maybe bumpy at times but he is loved and cared for by so many people. We are so blessed and we as Dillon’s parents would like to get the words out there. No matter what you are fighting for, do the best you can, fight strong (DillonStrong) and fight from the heart